Breaking Down Barriers to Beekeeping
Credit: Luca Sage
Ever thought about keeping bees? With pollinators in decline, it is an important part of securing our food systems and encouraging biodiversity. Plus we think it’s badass. We asked beekeeper Rachel Sampara to give us the lowdown on beekeeping, how she got started and how she’s helping others to overcome the barriers to this traditional craft.
This article is also available through ATE Reads, audio versions of selected content from All The Elements - a nonprofit network for those working on diversity in the UK outdoors.
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The audio recording is made possible with support from co-operative tour operator HF Holidays, who have been providing walking and activity holidays since 1913.Find out more at
What does a beekeeper look like?
“You don’t look like a beekeeper!”
I’ve lost count over the years of how often I’ve encountered that surprised response when I’ve revealed my profession. It always makes me quietly chuckle, as I wonder, what is a beekeeper supposed to look like? That said, they’re probably right.
Credit: Luca Sage
Despite the honey bee colony being governed by a matriarchy; the industry of beekeepers, on the other hand, is most certainly a male-dominated profession. I contribute toward the 32% of beekeepers in the UK that identify as female. There is no clear explanation of the gender gap; my research on the topic has just led me to old wives tales, conspiracy theories and eventual deadends. So, unfortunately, I can only present you with the concrete numbers regarding this, and you’ll have to draw your own conclusions on the ‘why’.
It’s not only my gender that prevents me from being a stereotypical candidate of the apiarist industry. Some of those who voice that I don’t conform to their idea of a beekeeper, will frequently follow up saying that I look “too young”. As far as I’m aware, there’s no age restrictions on learning the craft, but there is some logic behind their preconceived notions: the average age of beekeepers in the UK is 65.
Beekeeping can take up a good portion of your time; depending on the number of hives you care for and how much you want to get out of it - both in terms of by-products and personal satisfaction. Perhaps at 65, you may soon be leaving the rat-race behind you and feel it is the prime opportunity to indulge in the apiarists’ lifestyle.
While I agree that beekeeping is a fabulous way to spend your retirement, it is also important that the craft is diversified beyond the national averages. Who will we pass the proverbial beekeeping baton on to, if young people aren’t encouraged to engage?
A barrier into beekeeping can also be financial, which is why the craft is probably most associated with the middle-class.
An unconventional journey into a life with bees
When I set up my beekeeping business, Wings & Radicles, in 2020, I was far from financially secure. A working-class, twenty-something, made jobless by the global pandemic, but despite my financial hardship, my passion and perseverance fuelled me.
I have learnt that it’s people that are our biggest assets and I would advise you to make the most of them: talk, share your hopes and dreams with strangers and loved ones, you never know what resources or opportunities may come from a single conversation.
I was very fortunate to have my first hives gifted to me by a wonderful beekeeping company, who are the honey suppliers to one of the high street giants. The opportunity arose when I was encouraged by a fellow social entrepreneur to phone them and ask if they had any equipment going spare for a new starter. I’ll be honest, at first I was mortified by the idea. “You can’t just call a stranger out of the blue and ask them for stuff!”, I thought. Well, apparently you can, because luckily for me, they generously obliged and donated two beehives.
I was then given some beekeeper’s essentials by a local beekeeper I met at a community event, who happened to be moving aboard and was looking to pass the equipment on to a beekeeper in need.
I even managed to get my first colony for free, by catching a swarm. Once I tentatively secured the swarm in a small box, I somehow managed to smuggle the bees, undetected, onto a bus to transport them to their new home!
I’ve borrowed endless amounts of equipment, occupied spaces and accepted the helping hands of family, friends and kindly acquaintances, in exchange for a well deserved jar of honey at the end of the season.
I may not have had the most glamorous start, with shiny new things and copious amounts of fancy tools and equipment, but I’ve done it my way and it makes me all the more proud of where I am today.
How to get started
I appreciate that not everyone may feel comfortable starting their journey into beekeeping by chatting about the subject to unwitting strangers, so I thought it would be helpful of me to share a good starting point: find your local branch of the British Beekeeper’s Association (BBKA). The BBKA has groups all across the UK and provides education, regular community meetings and social gatherings, that cater to new starters and experienced beekeepers alike.
If you are near the Liverpool area, however, I would of course recommend that you pay Wings & Radicles a visit!
Wings & Radicles isn’t just about the act of beekeeping itself, it’s about creating an inclusive environment in a field that has previously been made precious by generations gone by. My ethos is to not only open the door to the world of beekeeping but to ensure it is an accessible space once you arrive.
There is no excuse not to make reasonable adjustments in the education sector and I maintain this view when I plan the delivery of my beekeeping sessions. My ongoing working relationship supporting people with learning disabilities allows me to learn and grow as a teacher, by gaining live feedback about the most beneficial teaching styles that cater to a wide range of learners and their needs.
If you are interested in participating in a beekeeping workshop, I encourage you to get in touch. My workshops are a hybrid of online and practical sessions at my hives near Liverpool, and if you have any concerns, recommendations or require any reasonable adjustments just let me know. I’m not perfect, but I’m passionate about evolving the business and pride myself in continual learning and openness.
I opened this article commenting on how often I’m told that I don’t fit the beekeeper archetype. Pollinator protection is essential work, and it is crucial that all feel welcomed and encouraged to be part of the mission. Knowledge, skills and most importantly, passion, need to reach beyond the typical demographics.
I hope my continuing efforts to share my beekeeping expertise, and open my heart and my hives to all, will make the statement “you don’t look like a beekeeper” become obsolete.
Rachel Sampara is the Founder and Director of Wings & Radicles CIC. With beekeeping at the heart of everything they do, Wings & Radicles CIC is a social enterprise with a mission to use the craft of beekeeping to improve mental wellbeing.
You can find out more about Rachel’s beekeeping, workshops or get in touch by visiting
Our thanks go to HF Holidays, who made the audio version of this article possible. HF Holidays is Britain's longest-running co-operative tour operator, with over 111 years' experience in organising walking and activity holidays worldwide. They connect like-minded people through shared outdoor experiences and have a community of 48,000 members who have a passion for the countryside. As a B Corp Certified business, HF Holidays is dedicated to sustainable travel and community-focused initiatives such as their Pathways Fund, which has been raising money to provide assisted holidays and preserve and protect the countryside.
All The Elements is a non-profit community of individuals increasing access and representation for systemically-excluded and underrepresented groups in the UK outdoors. We run events, offer one-on-one support, curate online resources, promote the work and successes of our community members, offer consultancy and more. You can find out more on our website, follow us on social media and subscribe to our Substack newsletter.
Things You Can Do Next:
If you’re interested in beekeeping, Rachel recommends getting in touch with the British Beekeeper’s Association (BBKA) to find your local branch. Find out more at:
Find out about World Bee Day, which takes place every year on 20th May to spread awareness of the significance of bees. Find out more at:
Wings & Radicles' beekeeping workshops are aimed at beginners; no previous knowledge or experience is required, just a desire to learn about bees. Rachel offers a half day experience and a six week course that consists of four online sessions and two sessions at the hives. Find out more at:
Find out more about the hives at the HF Holidays cottages via:
Listen to Queen Bees with Jane Horrocks and Esther Coles to hear about the ups and downs of beekeeping. The episode ‘Being A Positive Nuisance (with Robin Maynard)’ talks about more sustainable practices for looking after the planet. Listen here.
Take the CBBC quiz to find out what bee you would be! Take the quiz at: